Plantar warts are warts that
appear on the soles of the feet. Here is a simple, highly effective,
and pain-free method to get rid of them. You perform this treatment
yourself in your own home. The total cost of the full treatment is less
than $10. You'll need to spend about 20 minutes once per week,
over a period of one to three months, to get rid of the warts
completely. For background information on plantar warts, including photos, see Wikipedia, the Mayo Clinic, or WebMd. |
![]() Be sure to get the solid 40% salicylic acid form of the product, not a liquid or a waxy stick product. For maximum effect, the chemical needs to be held in place against the wart for an extended period. |
![]() 1. Cut plaster to fit plantar
![]() 2. Press plaster onto wart
![]() 3. Apply athletic tape over
4. Put more tape on top
My daughter had plantar warts that became quite painful to
walk on. We tried applying salicylic acid wart removal liquid
(Wart-Off) once per day, but the warts just got worse. So we went to
see our family dermatologist, who is a professor at a major teaching
hospital. He said that these types of warts are difficult to treat, but
the best course was to use the method described here. We tried it, and
it worked surprisingly well. This treatment requires patience. It may take two to three weeks before you see positive results. Don't get discouraged if not much happens in the first one or two weeks. Note: This information is not intended to replace the advice of a physician. Although the treatment is very effective, it is not guaranteed to work in every case. If you are not sure of whether you have plantar warts, or if you are not sure if this treatment is right for you, consult a physician first. If you experience pain or discomfort as a result of the treatment, stop the treatment and consult a physician. This treatment is for plantar warts on the soles of the feet only. Do not attempt this treatment if you are diabetic or have poor blood circulation, or if the skin is infected or reddened. Treatment Procedure Get one or two Mediplast 40% Salicylic Acid plasters (2-by-3-inch medicated pads) from your local pharmacy, about $2 each. Call first to make sure they have them in stock. You might need to special-order this item. They are also available from Also get one roll of athletic tape from a sporting goods store or drug store, about $4.
Plantar warts are caused by a virus. Our doctor said that the immune system was failing to recognize the virus, allowing the warts to spread over the sole of the foot. The treatment helps the immune system recognize the virus, causing it to attack the virus. Even the warts not being treated with the Mediplast plaster might start to go away. You can find similar instructions at the San Francisco State University Student Health Service. Where to Get the Supplies The only things you need to buy are the Mediplast plasters and some athletic tape. The Mediplast plaster is a 2-by-3-inch medicated rubber sheet with a sticky side covered by a paper backing. The active ingredient is salicylic acid. You might find similar treatment materials at your local pharmacy such as Dr. Scholl's Clear Away Salicylic Acid Wart Remover, which might work just as well, but I haven't tried it. (If you try it, please let me know how it turned out.) Drip-on salicylic acid treatments are not as effective because the liquid doesn't stay in contact with the wart long enough.
Athletic tape is available at sporting goods stores and drug stores. I got mine at Walgreens, the same place where I got the Mediplast plasters. You can also get athletic tape from, although you might be able to save money by getting it at your local sporting goods store or drug store. "Duct Tape Only" Treatment One suggested treatment consists of covering the plantar warts with duct tape, without any medication. According to a study that was done, this treatment worked better than freezing the warts with liquid nitrogen. Critics say that the study was flawed. Since it was troublesome to keep messy duct tape on their feet, those who saw no benefit from it tended to give up and drop out of the study, which skewed the results. Duct tape is not meant to be used on human skin, and the safety of the chemicals used has not been evaluated. Using Mediplast plaster pads and athletic tape is safer and more likely to give good results. Advertisement
If you try the treatment, please
let me know whether it worked. If you
can, take some photos of your foot before, during, and after the
treatment. How long did it take to get rid of the warts? If the
treatment was not successful, what happened? Did you try any other
remedies or treatments, and if so, what happened? I'll publish the
results here.
Also see Curad
Mediplast Customer Reviews
Reminder: Do not attempt a salicylic acid treatment (such as Mediplast) if you have diabetes or poor circulation. If you have pain or discomfort, stop the treatment and consult a physician. You can contact me at the Dog Daze Guest Book link below. |
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©2005-2015 Gray Chang. Last updated 2015.